PSYCH-K ® the antidote to anxiety, gets to the cause/root not just the imbalances. An easy to use tool to change negative subconscious beliefs, and to better understand what is hapening in your life. The subconscious mind; the part that is in charge of some of 95% of beliefs, habits, breathing and your heart rate. We partner for your success, ‘its a do with process’.
Talking via muscle testing an on and off switch for feedback- like a truth detector. We already possess this ability built in. Muscle testing connects with that part of you that is going to change a belief or habit. Muscle testing is a communication link with the subconsious mind. This process rapidly changes beliefs that limit your self-esteem, job performance, relationships, personal power, prosperity and acts as a messenger for messages or lessons about an illness.
If the muscle test True/Strong the subconscious believes it. If muscle test Weak/False the subconscious does not believe it.
We then proceed with programming (i.e Balance process) you will be guided by Tanya through easy to do postures and movements that put you in a whole brain state to record the new belief. The Whole brain state drastically reduces resistance to change in the subconscious mind. Whole brain activity acts as a messenger to deliver a new belief/ idea to your subconscious. PSYCH-K ® The Whole-brain state is ideal for re-programming it speeds up problem solving.
Effectively allows access to the power and wisdom you desire that is already within. PSYCH-K ® can change long standing beliefs in just minutes, ‘Bruce H Lipton PhD’, ‘Biology of belief.’ PSYCH-K ® Online/phone sessions allow you to do the simple movements and postures together they are just as effective you still feel the experience and the shifts that occur.
Think of your subconscious as being more like a hard drive in your personal computer, it is programmable. It is non invasive it has a proven record for over 25 years. PSYCH-K ® is an unique process evolving from years of split brain research. From 2007 -2021 Tanya has enthusiastically practiced PSYCH-K ® now with online/phone sessions worldwide it simply never gets old to partner with clients to embrace the real world of Possibilities instead of the pre programmed world of limitations.
Please feel encouraged to ask questions
Please check out my What is PSYCH-K ? video on the PSYCH-K page for more information.
Disclaimer: A PSYCH-K®facilatator does not diagnose medical problems, nor does PSYCH-K® replace the need for medical attention or substitute for psychological counseling.
Adv. PSYCH-K® Facilitator Tanya has trained successfully under the guidance of Certified PSYCH-K ® International Instructors practising since 2007-2014